リン先生 英文記事紹介 No.92


ASEAN integration must center on people and their needs, not on business and profits, the Southeast Asia-wide Network for Transformative Social Protection said Sunday as leaders of the 10 ASEAN countries meet in Myanmar this weekend. ASEAN political decision makers are largely focused on the establishment of a common market and have involved mainly corporate interest groups. They have neglected the social dimension of integration according to NSTP. In particular, the ASEAN integration process lacks implementing programs and defining role of labor and other social partners. Everyone is entitled to have equitable access to social protection that is a basic human right and based on a rights-based/needs-based/life-cycle approach and covering essential services as needed. The Network for Transformative Social Protection is calling for nationwide and globally funded social protection systems  that ensure a life of well-being and dignity, with rights to work, livelihood, basic social services, and social security.

ASEAN is an organization of countries in Southeast Asia which aims to hasten economic growth, social progress and sociocultural evolution among the members and also to discuss differences for peace and stability. ASEAN Integration focuses both on economical and political aspects of the countries that are involved. However, based on the article, many do not know that it's more focused on business and market. It shouldn't be that way but instead, the focal point should be the people who are involved in the issue especially for poverty. It is understandable that there's a need to prioritize getting investors to boost the market and get us more jobs, however, continuously doing it without knowing what else we need would lead to a waste of time, money and effort. It is true that it's about taking the risk, but if it's something that the organization already knows that it would happen, so better end it. It's best to give more time to the people and know the exact needs through implementing programs. Possibly, there could be another program that can make use of the resources in that country to make the people more productive. and the least thing to do is getting the right investors, although not many, and assure them that they'll get what they want when workers will also be given their needs. 

