リン先生 英文記事紹介 No.2


Experts say it's worthwhile and possible to learn how to think more positively. First, you need to foster optimism by writing about a positive future and searching for the silver lining. Second, we must practice gratitude. To increase our gratefulness, we can write a gratitude letter, keep a gratitude journal, remind yourself to savor and share your good news. Lastly, we must avoid negative thinking. Avoid dwelling on downers and changing unhealthy self-talk can help you stop thinking negatively. Some other tips would include asking ourself if your negative thought is really true, remembering achievements that disprove your insecurity, imagine what you'd tell a friend, beware of all-or-nothing thinking and considering alternative explanations.

Staying positive is one way on how we can survive and live life well. Looking onto the brighter side in every situation we are in, especially if we are down or we feel bad, makes us more hopeful and makes us move forward. It is a matter of changing ones state of mind, taking one step at a time and even asking for someone's help can make things right. If you feel that you can't speak in English well, then think the other way around and start looking for reinforcements that will surely lead you to become a good English speaker. It takes time to become one, but what you think now is what you will be in the future. Think positively and you will surely be the best. 


